A Heavenly Father

Who is God?

An authoritarian spiritual being

The creator

The one who keeps all forces in balance

The watchman

The judge

...this goes on and on. Different people say different things about God and who He is to them, but my God...YAHWEH is not only the Alpha and the Omega, not only the first and the last, the I am that I am, but He is also a loving Father, 1 Corinthians 13 tells us the HE IS LOVE.

This post is about who God is to me. For starters, I wouldn't be who I am today if not for Jehova, He is 'The God', the one true God. There are many times that I've messed up, done that over and over again, but He always has mercy on me, His grace is not a pass to live in sin, but it is proof of how much He loves us, giving us chances over again, gave us His Holy Spirit to help us get it right. 

It took me quite a number of years to fully understand with 'Heavenly Father' truly means, sometimes I have to even remind myself because this isn't what we're often told. God isn't a genie that you only go to when you need something, He's a best friend, a companion, a guide, a master and most importantly a friend if you let Him be.

You can tell Him about a n y t h i n g. The sure thing is, your future is safe with Him, not everything might work out your way, but God always has better things in store.


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