Sin has no dominion

Often times when we do something wrong, the next thing is to wallow in condemnation or continue doing wrong, cause oh well...I'm too dirty to pray anyway, God is probably annoyed with me. That's just one of the devil's tactics to keep us in bondage. Even if you do wrong, the next thing isn't to run away from prayer but to run to it, run to the Lord, go on your knees and ask for forgiveness. The enemy might lie to you and say "even God turned his back on Jesus on the cross". Well, that's not true because that is not stated in the Bible, at the crux of pain, Jesus cried out in anguish. Jesus crying out "Father, father why have you forsaken me?" referred to the weakness He had because He came as a human, not because God forsook Him or anything. God promised that He'd never leave nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). Jesus took up all the sins of the human beings in that time, now and in the times to come.

Recently I was tempted to go back to an old sin that kept me in bondage. It was covetousness (Exodus 20:17), it comes in different forms, but mine had to do with appearance. I used to watch videos of women shaking their big glutes and I'd covet their bodies. This caused me to be dissatisfied with my body and I desired to look the way those other women do. I found myself opening the YouTube app, about to know, but I didn't. At this point, my spirit was suppressing the desires of the flesh and I ended up watching videos on Sid Roth's channel, It's supernatural, I ended up watching that. God provided a way of escape, He always does. The truth is, as long as we desire to do things that please God, He would empower us by the Holy Spirit to do things that are pleasing to Him.
So, if sin has no dominion over you, why then do you choose to be subject to the same sin, or different sins as the case may be, over and over again? Choose to walk in dominion, and wholeheartedly accept the empowerment the Holy Ghost has given to long as you 'desire' to do the right thing in God eyes. Make time to actually study God's word and meditate on it. Renew your mind with the word of God daily, try downloading the YouVrsion Bible app, get streaks, complete plans and grow in your relationship with our Heavenly Father. Jesus loves you, always. 


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