Why me?

A lot of times when we face troubling circumstances or even a whole period of distress, we almost always ask "why me?" "Why am I going through this?". I for one have had my fair share of struggles, heck...more to come. But I have conditioned my mind to see tough times as either a test or a challenge that would eventually result in my growth or a valuable lesson learnt.

From previous posts, one would know that I had a few struggles, majorly with my mental health, and, in the kind of world we live in today, people go through way worse circumstances. Even more horrible when you don't know God. Many a time, people blame God for the bad things that happen to them, but it is not from God, it's the enemy. The devil usually has way worse in store for people, but because God loves us all, the righteous and the unrighteous we aren't consumed. God even turns tables around, what the enemy intended to destroy us with ends up making us stronger, wiser and better.

The unfailing, inexhaustible love of God is the reason the enemy can't destroy us, it's the reason why we're still breathing. If you (reading this right now) are going through a tough time and it hurts so much, don't kill yourself, don't give up, there's light at the end of a tunnel. God cares about you.

Yesterday (Saturday), I was making cornrows, and a hair strand snapped. I felt like I was stabbed in the chest...you might wonder "it's just one strand out of thousands" but I love my hair so much. The Holy Spirit within me said, "that's how God feels about every single person". It hurts His heart to see people die and go to hell, it hurts His heart to see people wallow in the ways of the world. He created us all and He loves us so much. This shows how much every single individual matter, whether or not you feel that way about yourself, the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS feels that way about you. So smile.

This should have been posted yesterday, but...stuff happens. With that being said, may the peace of God be with you, may you have good news throughout this new week and may the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you forever, Amen. 

Song recommendation: Little longer - Marizu ft. Melvillous & Cass


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